Browse Items (246 total)

March 21, 1991, Pg. 20 (Revise O'neil PC).pdf
This op/ed is a direct response to Daniel O'Neil's article a week prior on March 14. The article accuses O'Neil of claiming a "genuine intellectual interest in preserving diversity" while what he is really advocating for is the right to open bigotry.…

The Campus - %22What is 'responsible journalism?'%22.pdf
Both of these "To the Editor" opinion pieces praise the Campus for what Baran and Zeltvogel see as responsible investigative journalism on the topic of Paul Cubeta. They also both contradict Professor Bakers views as published in the Nov. 17, 1989…

The second IHH storytelling event occurred in April of 2013. IHH leaders and audience members reflect on its impact.

May 9, 1991, Pg. 24 (T-shirt, Upham:PC 1).pdf
This op/ed is a direct response to David Upham's second article written two weeks prior in the April 25 issue of The Campus, and also references Kevin Moss's rebuttal to Upham's first letter. This article describes how Political Correctness has… Coverage.png
This is the coverage of the List and it's fallout. This article includes an interview with one of the men who's name was on The List.

NOTE: The link to this article is below

This is the NBC5 video coverage of the Middlebury Unmasked video. It includes an interview with Middlebury student, survivor, and one of the producers of the video, Maddie Orcutt.

NBC5 - %22Students express frustration with school policy in emotional video%22.pdf
This is an NBC5 article covering the Middlebury Unmasked video. It includes both the perspective of those who produced the video, as well as Middlebury College's statement.

NOTE: The link to the original article is below

The Campus - %22Vaginas Rising The Monologues return to raise awareness and spread the love%22.pdf
This Campus Article discusses the 2007 student performance of "The Vagina Monologues" in detail. It discusses the memorable moments from each cast member and monologue throughout the show. Additionally it explains the history of the play at…

Op:Ed - Sexual Harassment is an Issue.pdf
This Middlebury Campus op/ed was in response to an article by James O’Brien which criticized a recent gender violence poster campaign. This article discusses the misguided belief that the Middlebury community is aware of issues of harassment and…

CPC Boycott Poster Fall 2023.pdf
In response to the likely presence of the Women's Center at the 2023 Fall Activities Fair, Feminist Action at Middlebury organized a boycott of their table
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