This op/ed is a direct response to David Upham's second article written two weeks prior in the April 25 issue of The Campus. Spangler begins by pointing out that expression of opinions cannot be called out to someone from dorm windows or passing…
This op/ed is a direct response to David Upham's second article written two weeks prior in the April 25 issue of The Campus, and also references Kevin Moss's rebuttal to Upham's first letter. This article describes how Political Correctness has…
This op/ed follows a previous article from Upham (2 weeks prior), and articles that were written in response to it (1 week prior.) Upham makes his position on homosexual acts as "both unnatural and intrinsically evil" very clear. He says that he…
This op/ed is a direct response to David Upham's article written a week prior in the April 11 issue of The Campus. Moss responds to Upham's opinions about the new sexual harassment policy (which included harassment based on sexuality for the first…
This op/ed is written in defense of Daniel O'Neil's article in the March 14 edition of the Campus. This article specifically addresses the legitimacy of the college's new sexual harassment policy which prohibited "negative comments concerning sexual…
This op/ed is a direct response to Daniel O'Neil's article a week prior on March 14. The article accuses O'Neil of claiming a "genuine intellectual interest in preserving diversity" while what he is really advocating for is the right to open bigotry.…
This op/ed is a direct response to Daniel O'Neil's article a week prior on March 14. This article says that though political correctness can be problematic, there is no point to O'Neil's op/ed, as PC does not exist at Middlebury. Ryan and Stillinger…
This is the first op/ed in response to Middlebury's new sexual harassment policy in 1991, which included harassment based on sexuality. This article discusses the merits of intellectual freedom, censorship, and political correctness at Middlebury.…
This Campus news article discusses the SGA's main assessments and concerns as they concluded their fall session in 1989. The article discusses "CIA recruitment, sexual harassment and lighting on campus" among other topics. In terms of sexual…