Browse Items (246 total) Coverage.png
This is's coverage of The List and it's fallout. This article discusses the question of whether Dunn themself violated Title IX policy, and the justness of that policy if they did.

NOTE: The link to this article is below

May 9, 1991 Pg. 25 (Upham_FS 1 and 2).pdf
This op/ed puts the Middlebury PC debate in conversation with national narratives about PC and a reactionary speech by President Bush. It also describes an SGA meeting on April 28, during which straight white men voiced protests to the new sexual…

(pg.1)The Campus - %22Middlebury students march to take back the night%22.pdf
This Campus article describes the annual Take Back The Night march in 1992, which included a candlelight march, music, a speaker, and an open microphone session. The article includes information about how Take Back The Night began, speaker Susan…

April 22, Pg. 11.pdf
This Campus feature details the Take Back The Night March/Week held in April of 1998, as part of Sexual Assault Awareness Month. The article describes the march and who attended it. It also describes a blue light study conducted by Jennifer Handal…

The Campus - %22Men in white ribbons unite to stem violence against women%22.pdf
This Campus news article details the origin of the White Ribbon Campaign (WRC), which was started in Canada in 1991. It also discusses the early stages of the Middlebury WRC which was overseen by John Beattie, a staff member who worked with the…

Addison County Action Forum Poster.pdf
The Addison County Action Forum was an event organized by Planned Parenthood of Northern New England, the branch of PP that FAM works closely with. The event was held at the Marquis Theatre on January 20, 2020. The goal of this event was to bring…

(pg 1) Sexual Harrassment Hearing Creates Questions of Responsibility.pdf
This is The Campus' first news article about the 1988 Paul Cubeta sexual harassment hearing, and the college's subsequent actions. The Campus editors had been investigating rumors of the hearing (which had been over a year prior) throughout the fall…

The Debate Over Abortion Gets Close to Campus _ by Nate Gunesch _ Medium (1).pdf
This article by Nate Gunesch in Medium provides a profile of student-activist Miranda-Max de Beer. Gunesch discusses activist work against the Addison County CPC, such as the fliers de Beer handed out at the Student Activities Fair, as well as the…
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