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  • Tags: The Campus

The Campus - %22Vagina Monologues Beyond Convention%22.pdf
This Campus article describes the first ever performance of "Beyond the Vagina Monologues," a version of "The Vagina Monologues" that was first adapted at Middlebury by Rebecca Coates-Finke '16.5 in 2016. The article includes a description of all of…

The Campus - %22Feminist Group Promotes Campus-Wide Awareness%22.pdf
This Campus article describes FAM as it was in 2002, and discusses some of it's biggest annual initiatives: "Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Domestic/Relationship Violence Awareness Month, 'Take Back the Night Week' and Women’s
History Month." The…

The Campus - October 13, Page 18.pdf
This "To the Editor" opinion piece urges The Campus to cease posting stories related to the Paul Cubeta incident, and follow their own advice to handle the topic with more sensitivity. Broderson states that the "scoop" has already been published, and…

The Campus- %22Tears for the night%22.pdf
This poetic Campus opinion piece describes Daly's experience of crying during the Take Back The Night event. She states all of the reasons and people she was crying for, and urges people to stay hopeful and take action. Here is the article from The…

April 18, 1991, Pg. 23.pdf
This op/ed is a direct response to David Upham's article written a week prior in the April 11 issue of The Campus. Moss responds to Upham's opinions about the new sexual harassment policy (which included harassment based on sexuality for the first…

May 9, 1991, Pg. 23 (T-shirt, Greek:SH).pdf
This opinion piece discusses the “coed naked lacrosse” team's T-shirt, which bears the slogan: "It Takes a Quick Stick To Beat a Tight Crease." The article explains how this phrase perpetuates and supports rape culture, and describes a few times that…

April 16, 1998 - Pg. 10.pdf
In this Campus opinion piece, Landis reflects on recent racial issues on campus, and asks members of the Middlebury community to examine another issue that has been swept under the rug, sexual assault. Landis discusses the fact that sexual assault is…

The Campus - %22FAM Launches Website to Increase Awareness of Sexual Health Services%22.pdf
This Campus article discusses the sexual health recourses website that was launched by FAM in 2018. The FAM members who lead the website project: Annie Blalock ’20.5, Matt Martignoni ’21.5, Olivia Pruett ’21.5, Michael Frank ’20.5 and Emma Bernstein…

The Campus - Middlebury Unmasked Critiques Sexual Assault Policies in Video.pdf
This Campus article covers the Middlebury Unmasked video, and the experience of survivors in the Title IX process at Middlebury. It also details the demands made by survivors in the video, and that they were working to create a new SGA position on…

March 21, 1991, Pg. 20 (Revise O'neil PC).pdf
This op/ed is a direct response to Daniel O'Neil's article a week prior on March 14. The article accuses O'Neil of claiming a "genuine intellectual interest in preserving diversity" while what he is really advocating for is the right to open bigotry.…
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