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  • Tags: Administration

(pg 1) Sexual Harrassment Hearing Creates Questions of Responsibility.pdf
This is The Campus' first news article about the 1988 Paul Cubeta sexual harassment hearing, and the college's subsequent actions. The Campus editors had been investigating rumors of the hearing (which had been over a year prior) throughout the fall…

(2000) Sexual Assault Report to the Trustees .pdf
One of the things discussed in the Task Force on The Status of Women reports is the Title IX process and the college's response to reports of sexual assault. One concern is that students will not report their assaults or seek help due to the negative…

(2009) Administrative Response to 2008 and 2009 Reports.pdf
After the Task Force on the Status of Women authored their report in 2008, the Steering Committee on the Status of Women clarified specific action items and goals for the administration in their 2009 report. This is Middlebury's administrative…

The Campus News- %22SGA assesses Issues%22.pdf
This Campus news article discusses the SGA's main assessments and concerns as they concluded their fall session in 1989. The article discusses "CIA recruitment, sexual harassment and lighting on campus" among other topics. In terms of sexual…

The Campus - October 13, Page 18.pdf
This "To the Editor" opinion piece urges The Campus to cease posting stories related to the Paul Cubeta incident, and follow their own advice to handle the topic with more sensitivity. Broderson states that the "scoop" has already been published, and…

The Campus - %22What is 'responsible journalism?'%22.pdf
Both of these "To the Editor" opinion pieces praise the Campus for what Baran and Zeltvogel see as responsible investigative journalism on the topic of Paul Cubeta. They also both contradict Professor Bakers views as published in the Nov. 17, 1989…

Prompted by The Map Project, The Campus Editorial Board makes several recommendations regarding how to fight rape culture at Middlebury, including new in-person trainings, making reporting sexual assault easier, and changing party culture on campus.

March 21, 1991, Pg. 21 (Tense PC, DKE Response pt. 2).pdf
This op/ed is a response to the theme of PC in the March 14 1991 edition of The Campus, and more specifically the articles written by Daniel O'Neil, Chad Bryant and Leland Hart. Lang makes it clear that everyone is feeling the "heat" of PC on campus,…
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