Browse Items (246 total)

LA Times DU Article.png
This Los Angeles Times article discusses the DU incident at Middlebury, and the board of trustees' subsequent order that Middlebury’s six fraternities pledge women by the end of the year or cease existing. This article covers different perspectives…

After an IHH organizer, Taite Shomo '20.5, had begun to advertise the go/link for students to submit locations on campus that they'd been sexually harassed or assaulted, she spoke to The Campus about the project's history and goals.

The Campus - %22Planned Parenthood of Northern N.E. continues to provide health care after federal cuts%22.pdf
This Campus article discusses Vermont's Title X funding. In August of 2019, the Trump administration published new Title X funding stipulations in a move to severely limit access to abortion care. This article includes information about FAM's…

April 10, 2018 - A reflection on The List of Men To Avoid and anti-sexual assault activism (reposted).pdf

This blog post comments on "The List" [a list of abusers and perpetrators at Middlebury which was posted on social media] and the fallout for the activists and survivors who were involved. This post urges people to be aware of the burden of being a…

May 12, 2016- Post-Chromatic Mini-Responses .pdf
This blog post includes responses from different "performers" and "bodyguards" after an installation at Chromatic, a social house on campus. These responses detail student reactions to the instillation and observations on the party culture among…

February 25, 2017- Reflections from the Mill .pdf
This blog post was written by an anonymous performer after an instillation at the Mill, a social house on campus. In this piece the author talks about their experience performing and critiques the Mill which, despite it's alternative reputation,…

Three survivors co-wrote an anonymous op-ed in response to a Middlebury Campus article entitled "Reexamining Our Sexual Assault Investigative Process."

April 11, 2016 - The Guy Who Raped Me Saw Me Half-Naked (and I liked it)*.pdf
This blog post lays out the experience and reflections of an anonymous performer who came face to face with her rapist while performing outside of the Spring Concert. Stares and Stairs posted this to their website on April 11, 2016.

FAM Website .png
FAM members created this website in 2018 to provide students with information on a variety of sexual and reproductive health topics, as well as informs students of their nearby recourses at Parton Health Center, Porter Hospital, and Planned…

IHH members spoke to The Campus about their plans for The Map Project after they began accepting submissions in the fall of 2012.
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