Browse Items (246 total)

The Campus - %22Vaginas Rising The Monologues return to raise awareness and spread the love%22.pdf
This Campus Article discusses the 2007 student performance of "The Vagina Monologues" in detail. It discusses the memorable moments from each cast member and monologue throughout the show. Additionally it explains the history of the play at…

The Campus - October 13, Page 18.pdf
This Campus editorial discusses the troubling nature of the college's reaction to the Paul Cubeta hearing and it's aftermath. The authors, who had covered the Cubeta hearing for the Campus, accuse Middlebury's administration of caring more about it's…

The Campus - %22What is 'responsible journalism?'%22.pdf
Both of these "To the Editor" opinion pieces praise the Campus for what Baran and Zeltvogel see as responsible investigative journalism on the topic of Paul Cubeta. They also both contradict Professor Bakers views as published in the Nov. 17, 1989…

An op-ed written by the organizers of the 2023 student-led initiative protesting the a 2019 college-led initiative to encourage students to adopt the colloquialism "the MAC," for the Mahaney Arts Center in replacement of "the CFA."

A Middlebury Campus article on the student-led initiative protesting the a 2019 college-led initiative to encourage students to adopt the colloquialism "the MAC," for the Mahaney Arts Center in replacement of "the CFA."

“Pregnant in Middlebury, VT_” Fake Abortion Clinics and the Right to Accurate Information - The Middlebury Campus (1) (1).pdf
This opinion piece by Toria Isquith, published in the student-run newspaper The Middlebury Campus, discusses crisis pregnancy centers (CPCs), specifically the one housed in Addison County. The article explains the dangers of CPCs and provides the…

Students Lead Charge to Ban Crisis Pregnancy Center from Campus - The Middlebury Campus.pdf
This opinion piece by Joanne Park discusses a student-led effort to ban the Addison County CPC from advertising and participating in on-campus events. Activists Toria Isquith and Kelsie Hoppes are quoted in the article describing their petition…

Tell Crisis Pregnancy Center_ Stop Lying to Women - The Middlebury Campus (1).pdf
This opinion piece by Victoria Isquith discusses CPCs and their deceptive practices. Isquith provides an account of her encounter with the local CPC’s booth at the Middlebury Student Activities Fair, which prompted her to call for a ban of CPC…

Truth be told - The Middlebury Campus (2).pdf
In this opinion piece published in The Middlebury Campus, the director of the Pregnancy Resource Center of Addison County, Joanie Praamsma, discusses her views on the student-led, anti-CPC activism on Middlebury’s campus.
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