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Ahead of the upcoming third annual IHH storytelling event, The Campus interviewed co-founder Luke Carroll Brown, who spoke about hoping to reduce the stigma around sexual violence. Two other students speak to the importance of the event.

A male student writes an opinion piece about struggling with his own role in rape culture after attending an IHH event and how the community must engage in hard conversations about changing behavior.

The four student organizers of IHH respond to criticisms that their advertising and storytelling event can be "triggering" by emphasizing the importance of allowing survivors to process trauma in their own ways.

IHH member Emily Pedowitz writes an op-ed encouraging Middlebury students to submit their stories related to sexual assault to be read at the group's storytelling event.

#MiddToo Poster and Statement.pdf
As the global #MeToo movement (started in 2017) continued to grow, SRR created a #MiddToo movement (started in 2018) to recognize the ways in which Middlebury campus culture is complicit in sexual assault and to support survivors. This document…

Midd Too Event Pictures.pdf
SRR started the #MiddToo movement in 2018 to draw attention to the ways in which Middlebury’s campus culture is complicit in sexual assault and to support survivors. This document includes photos from a #MiddToo tabling event in which students were…

May 9, 1991, Pg. 24 (T-shirt, Upham:PC 1).pdf
This op/ed is a direct response to David Upham's second article written two weeks prior in the April 25 issue of The Campus, and also references Kevin Moss's rebuttal to Upham's first letter. This article describes how Political Correctness has…

May 9, 1991, Pg. 27 (Upham_FS 2 and 3).pdf
This op/ed is a direct response to David Upham's second article written two weeks prior in the April 25 issue of The Campus. Spangler begins by pointing out that expression of opinions cannot be called out to someone from dorm windows or passing…

May 9, 1991 Pg. 25 (Upham_FS 1 and 2).pdf
This op/ed puts the Middlebury PC debate in conversation with national narratives about PC and a reactionary speech by President Bush. It also describes an SGA meeting on April 28, during which straight white men voiced protests to the new sexual…

March 21, 1991, Pg. 20 (Revise O'neil PC).pdf
This op/ed is a direct response to Daniel O'Neil's article a week prior on March 14. The article accuses O'Neil of claiming a "genuine intellectual interest in preserving diversity" while what he is really advocating for is the right to open bigotry.…
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