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  • Tags: The Campus

(pg.1)The Campus - %22Middlebury students march to take back the night%22.pdf
This Campus article describes the annual Take Back The Night march in 1992, which included a candlelight march, music, a speaker, and an open microphone session. The article includes information about how Take Back The Night began, speaker Susan…

April 16, 1998 - Pg. 10.pdf
In this Campus opinion piece, Landis reflects on recent racial issues on campus, and asks members of the Middlebury community to examine another issue that has been swept under the rug, sexual assault. Landis discusses the fact that sexual assault is…

May 9, 1991 - Pg. 4 (TBTN, Greek).pdf
This Campus news article describes the different parts of the Take Back The Night march at Middlebury in 1991, as well as the main topics brought up by speakers which included homophobia, spousal assault, gender equity, and rape statistics. Here is…

The Campus - %22Men in white ribbons unite to stem violence against women%22.pdf
This Campus news article details the origin of the White Ribbon Campaign (WRC), which was started in Canada in 1991. It also discusses the early stages of the Middlebury WRC which was overseen by John Beattie, a staff member who worked with the…

In her opinion piece titled "Home," Sajia Yaqouby '25.5, reflects on what it means to be "home" after escaping Afghanistan following the collapse of the country's government and a resurgence of Taliban rule in August 2022.

The Campus - %22Feminist Group Promotes Campus-Wide Awareness%22.pdf
This Campus article describes FAM as it was in 2002, and discusses some of it's biggest annual initiatives: "Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Domestic/Relationship Violence Awareness Month, 'Take Back the Night Week' and Women’s
History Month." The…

The Campus - %22Feminist Group Hosts Day of Action%22.pdf
This Campus article discusses the Planned Parenthood Action Forum, hosted in Hillcrest by Feminist Action at Middlebury (FAM) on March 8. This forum, which was led by Paige Feeser (Vermont Public Affairs Organizer for Planned Parenthood of Northern…

The Campus - %22FAM Launches Website to Increase Awareness of Sexual Health Services%22.pdf
This Campus article discusses the sexual health recourses website that was launched by FAM in 2018. The FAM members who lead the website project: Annie Blalock ’20.5, Matt Martignoni ’21.5, Olivia Pruett ’21.5, Michael Frank ’20.5 and Emma Bernstein…

A report on the college-sponsored talk, “What Can Feminism Speak To?,” which featured feminist writer Katha Pollitt and feminist scholar Janell Hobson.

The Campus - %22College Disciplines Dunn%22.pdf
This Campus article discusses the results of the Middlebury administration's judicial process against Dunn. The article states how and why the college issued official discipline to Dunn.
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