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Act. Fair Demonstration Poster.jpg
This poster was distributed across the Middlebury campus to advertise for the upcoming demonstration to ban crisis pregnancy centers from the activities fair. It provides information for an organizing meeting a few days before the demonstration as…

April 25, 1991, Pg. 23.pdf
This op/ed follows a previous article from Upham (2 weeks prior), and articles that were written in response to it (1 week prior.) Upham makes his position on homosexual acts as "both unnatural and intrinsically evil" very clear. He says that he…

April 18, 1991, Pg. 22.pdf
This editorial reconciles the history and present of the term "political correctness." The history stems from Marxists circles wherein any politics that weren't Marxist were deemed "politically wrong." However the term was reinterpreted for present…

April 18, 1991, Pg. 21.pdf
This brief op/ed corrects an incorrect statement in David Upham's article from the April 11, 1991 issue of The Campus. In that article, Upham claims that whether or not homosexuality is a mental disorder is a question of current debate in the field…

April 18, 1991, Pg. 23.pdf
This op/ed is a direct response to David Upham's article written a week prior in the April 11 issue of The Campus. Moss responds to Upham's opinions about the new sexual harassment policy (which included harassment based on sexuality for the first…

April 11, 1991 Pg. 23.pdf
This op/ed is written in defense of Daniel O'Neil's article in the March 14 edition of the Campus. This article specifically addresses the legitimacy of the college's new sexual harassment policy which prohibited "negative comments concerning sexual…

Link to Ban CPC Petition.pdf
Petition organized by Elissa Asch (2022.5) in an effort to ban CPCs from all colleges in the New England Small College Athletic Conference (NESCAC). The petition includes information on CPCs and allows the option to add a statement to the petition on…

Oral History CPC Activism.pdf
This is an oral history conducted by Sophie Hochman for Professor of Religion Justin Doran’s class “Religion and Capitalism.” Hochman interviewed Grace Vedock ‘20 and Taite Shomo ‘20.5, two students involved in the 2018 effort to ban CPCs from…

(2009) Steering Committee Report.pdf
The 2008 Report from the Task Force on the Status of Women, presented to President Liebowitz in March of 2018, contained "72 specific recommendations to improve the status of women at the institution." Due to the broad scope of the 2008 report, a…

(2009) Administrative Response to 2008 and 2009 Reports.pdf
After the Task Force on the Status of Women authored their report in 2008, the Steering Committee on the Status of Women clarified specific action items and goals for the administration in their 2009 report. This is Middlebury's administrative…
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