Browse Items (246 total)

Students Lead Charge to Ban Crisis Pregnancy Center from Campus - The Middlebury Campus.pdf
This opinion piece by Joanne Park discusses a student-led effort to ban the Addison County CPC from advertising and participating in on-campus events. Activists Toria Isquith and Kelsie Hoppes are quoted in the article describing their petition…

April 22, Pg. 8.pdf
This Campus announcement explains that it is Sexual Assault Awareness month, and informs readers about the related events, both on and near campus. One of the events noted is the Take Back The Night March. Here is a photo of the announcement as it…

SRR 2018 Transition Document.pdf
2018 SRR transition document written by Vee Duong for her successor. This document includes SRR's projects, responsibilities, and accomplishments for the 2017-2018 academic year.

2017-2018 SRR Semester Report .pdf
Every spring SGA cabinet directors present their committee's highlights from that year to the SGA Senate. This was SRR's presentation in 2018.

About Vent Diagrams .tiff
Description of Vent Diagrams taken from and used to advertise for the Vent Diagram session held to promote IHH 2022.

May 9, 1991, Pg. 23 (T-shirt, Greek:SH) 3.pdf
This opinion piece discusses a sexist "art" exhibit on the north wall of The Mill (recently known as ZetaPsi). The art exhibit consists of a barbed fish hook, hung in place of the recently removed greek symbol, that stretches down two stories. At the…

WCAX Coverage.png
Local WCAX news coverage of The List and Middlebury's administrative backlash against Elizabeth Dunn.

NOTE: Link to the news coverage is below.

The Campus - October 13, Page 18.pdf
This Campus editorial discusses the troubling nature of the college's reaction to the Paul Cubeta hearing and it's aftermath. The authors, who had covered the Cubeta hearing for the Campus, accuse Middlebury's administration of caring more about it's…

Boston Magazine- School For Scandal.pdf
This in depth article describes in detail the allegations and testimony of all four students who came forward in the Paul Cubeta hearing with testimony about sexual harassment and assault. It tells the story of their lives, their relationships with…

This Addison Independent article describes the mission and events of IHH, and how the Middlebury group gained national traction.
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