Browse Items (246 total)

The Campus - %22Student Accuses Over 30 Men of Sexual Misconduct on Facebook%22.pdf
This Campus article describes The List being posted around campus and on Facebook during finals week, and the first responses from administrators.

Study Breaks Coverage.png
This is Study Breaks' coverage of The List and it's fallout.

NOTE: The link to the article is below Coverage.png
This is the coverage of the List and it's fallout. This article includes an interview with one of the men who's name was on The List.

NOTE: The link to this article is below

The College Fix Coverage.png
This is The College Fix coverage of The List and it's fallout.

NOTE: The link to the article is below

Beyond The Green - %22Communal Statement in Support of Survivors%22.pdf
After posting The List, Elizabeth Dunn was both publicly and privately targeted by administration and students at Middlebury. Students posted this article in Beyond The Green in support of Dunn, and called for the administration to cease it's course…

WCAX Coverage.png
Local WCAX news coverage of The List and Middlebury's administrative backlash against Elizabeth Dunn.

NOTE: Link to the news coverage is below.

The Campus - %22Middlebury- Where White Supremacists, but Not Survivors, Are Worthy of Free Speech%22.pdf
After Dunn posted The List, they met with a campus judicial officer who requested the names and contact information of the people who had contacted Dunn with reports of sexual misconduct. Dunn refused. After returning from winter break (Dunn posted…

Community Concern Email.pdf
Shortly after The List was posted, the Vice President for Student Affairs and the Dean of Students wrote to the entire Middlebury College community; the email acknowledged the post, reviewed resources for people experiencing sexual violence, and…

The List - Entire Post.pdf
This is the “List of Men to Avoid" (referred to as "The List") posted by Liz Dunn ’18 in December 2017 (right before Winter Break). They posted The List, which named several male Middlebury students as perpetrators of various forms of sexual…

SRR SAAM Email and Recourses .pdf
When Middlebury Students were evacuated in March 2020 due to COVID-19, SRR had to change their plan for Sexual Assault Awareness Month (April). They put together an email which included four pdf recourse guides they had designed. The email was sent…
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