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  • Tags: survivors

Boston Magazine- School For Scandal.pdf
This in depth article describes in detail the allegations and testimony of all four students who came forward in the Paul Cubeta hearing with testimony about sexual harassment and assault. It tells the story of their lives, their relationships with…

The Campus - How We Move Forward After ‘The List’.pdf
This Campus editorial discusses the aftermath of The List and addresses many community opinions of it, both positive and negative. Ultimately, this editorial urges people to "believe and listen to women, acknowledge when and how we’re complicit, and…

November 7, 2017 - Upcoming Exhibit- The Little Things.pdf
This blog post describes a collaborative exhibit called "The Little Things" that Stares on Stairs later planned to show at M Gallery. This post described the exhibit's goal of bringing awareness to the parts of a survivor's experience that often go…

Stares and Stairs exhibit poster.pdf
This is a poster for "The Little Things," a collaborative exhibit at M Gallery created by Stares and Stairs. This event was an attempt to bring awareness to the parts of a survivor's experience that often go unacknowledged and create a space for…

SRR Consent Workshop Goals.pdf
In the 2019-2020 academic year, SRR attempted to work with the administration to implement anti-sexual assault consent workshops for current students. This document was made by SRR to express the type of workshops that they wanted, and why the…

Statement about Supporting Survivors.pdf
This document is a statement of support for survivors in response to troubling recent events, written by SRR and sent out by Middlebury SGA. In the statement, SRR calls for the community to wear all black on October 5 in solidarity with survivors of…

Midd Too Event Pictures.pdf
SRR started the #MiddToo movement in 2018 to draw attention to the ways in which Middlebury’s campus culture is complicit in sexual assault and to support survivors. This document includes photos from a #MiddToo tabling event in which students were…

SRR %22The List%22 Response.pdf
SRR put out this statement after "The List" [a list of abusers and perpetrators at Middlebury which was posted on social media] was posted. It urged people to focus on supporting survivors and direct discussions about The List towards improving…

Unknowns of Investigation.pdf
This document was created by SRR in 2018 to brainstorm and record some of the inequities and unknowns in the Middlebury Title IX investigation process.

72 (1).png
Flyers used to advertise IHH 2022. These provide information on the event's goal and Go-Links to submit stories or sign up to anonymously read them. These were hung up and distributed around campus in advance of IHH 2022 on April 28, 2022.
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