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  • Tags: sexual assault

The Campus - %22New task force debates gender issues%22.pdf
This Campus article discusses the 2007/2008 Task Force on the Status of Women, and a town hall meeting that they held to collect information for their report. The meeting covered workplace issues of gender equality for faculty and staff, such as…

The four student organizers of IHH respond to criticisms that their advertising and storytelling event can be "triggering" by emphasizing the importance of allowing survivors to process trauma in their own ways.

(2000) Sexual Assault Report to the Trustees .pdf
One of the things discussed in the Task Force on The Status of Women reports is the Title IX process and the college's response to reports of sexual assault. One concern is that students will not report their assaults or seek help due to the negative…

Seven Days Cover.jpg
This is the Seven Days profile on Elizabeth Dunn. The article discusses Dunn's life before and at Middlebury, as well as their experience of posting the list and their perspective on it's fallout. Despite all of the news coverage of The List, Seven…

(pg 1) Sexual Harrassment Hearing Creates Questions of Responsibility.pdf
This is The Campus' first news article about the 1988 Paul Cubeta sexual harassment hearing, and the college's subsequent actions. The Campus editors had been investigating rumors of the hearing (which had been over a year prior) throughout the fall…

(pg.1)The Campus - %22Middlebury students march to take back the night%22.pdf
This Campus article describes the annual Take Back The Night march in 1992, which included a candlelight march, music, a speaker, and an open microphone session. The article includes information about how Take Back The Night began, speaker Susan…

SRR Consent Workshop Goals.pdf
In the 2019-2020 academic year, SRR attempted to work with the administration to implement anti-sexual assault consent workshops for current students. This document was made by SRR to express the type of workshops that they wanted, and why the…

Stares and Stairs exhibit poster.pdf
This is a poster for "The Little Things," a collaborative exhibit at M Gallery created by Stares and Stairs. This event was an attempt to bring awareness to the parts of a survivor's experience that often go unacknowledged and create a space for…
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