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Three survivors co-wrote an anonymous op-ed in response to a Middlebury Campus article entitled "Reexamining Our Sexual Assault Investigative Process."

Prompted by The Map Project, The Campus Editorial Board makes several recommendations regarding how to fight rape culture at Middlebury, including new in-person trainings, making reporting sexual assault easier, and changing party culture on campus.

This Addison Independent article describes the mission and events of IHH, and how the Middlebury group gained national traction.

The year after Stanford student Brock Turner's sexual assault of Chanel Miller made national news, NBC news published this article about It Happens Here's storytelling event.

After an IHH organizer, Taite Shomo '20.5, had begun to advertise the go/link for students to submit locations on campus that they'd been sexually harassed or assaulted, she spoke to The Campus about the project's history and goals.

The Campus covered the second rendition of The Map Project, which showed 108 "red dots" and was displayed in Davis Library. Several students spoke about their reactions and the urgency they felt about combatting sexual assault on campus.

IHH members spoke to The Campus about their plans for The Map Project after they began accepting submissions in the fall of 2012.

Five Middlebury students and two faculty members were invited to represent IHH at a White House event on Teen Dating Violence.

The Campus article describes the third annual IHH storytelling event in the winter of 2014 and its general success.

The first iteration of The Map Project went on display in Davis Library in February of 2013.
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