Browse Items (246 total)

#MiddToo Poster and Statement.pdf
As the global #MeToo movement (started in 2017) continued to grow, SRR created a #MiddToo movement (started in 2018) to recognize the ways in which Middlebury campus culture is complicit in sexual assault and to support survivors. This document…

SRR %22The List%22 Response.pdf
SRR put out this statement after "The List" [a list of abusers and perpetrators at Middlebury which was posted on social media] was posted. It urged people to focus on supporting survivors and direct discussions about The List towards improving…

Free Tampons Campaign Bill.pdf
SRR created this bill, which was passed by SGA Senate on January 15, 2017, to convert existing pad and tampon dispensers so as to make all pads and tampons on campus free. SGA covered the cost of these conversions, as well as the free pads and…

Unknowns of Investigation.pdf
This document was created by SRR in 2018 to brainstorm and record some of the inequities and unknowns in the Middlebury Title IX investigation process.

Oral History CPC Activism.pdf
This is an oral history conducted by Sophie Hochman for Professor of Religion Justin Doran’s class “Religion and Capitalism.” Hochman interviewed Grace Vedock ‘20 and Taite Shomo ‘20.5, two students involved in the 2018 effort to ban CPCs from…

VT Digger Article.docx
In this article in the VTDigger, Sarah Asch discusses the role of CPCs in the anti-abortion movement, focusing on the legality of CPCs. It quotes both Joanie Praamsma, the Director of the CPC in Middlebury, and Professor of Gender, Sexuality &…

Campus Article - %22Students Celebrate Their Bodies%22.pdf
This Middlebury Campus article covers the 2007 I Love My Body Fashion Show. It discusses how the event was different than those in years past, and describes the student-produced film that played before the fashion show began.

To The Editor - %22What can be learned%22.pdf
This "To the Editor" opinion piece praises The Campus' coverage of the Paul Cubeta hearing and the Middlebury administration's actions. Martin also discusses what the college community and administration can learn from the manner in which the Paul…

72 (1).png
Flyers used to advertise IHH 2022. These provide information on the event's goal and Go-Links to submit stories or sign up to anonymously read them. These were hung up and distributed around campus in advance of IHH 2022 on April 28, 2022.

The Campus - %22Bread Loaf official protests administrative cover-up in sexual harassment case%22.pdf
This opinion piece is written by Robert Pack, a professor at the Bread Loaf School of English, a professor to the young men who came forward in the Cubeta sexual harassment hearing, and a longtime friend of Cubeta himself. In this article, Pack…
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