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  • Tags: It Happens Here

The year after Stanford student Brock Turner's sexual assault of Chanel Miller made national news, NBC news published this article about It Happens Here's storytelling event.

This Addison Independent article describes the mission and events of IHH, and how the Middlebury group gained national traction.

IHH For Print - Submissions 2016 - MO (1).pdf
Various posters advertising IHH storytelling events, meetings, and calling for story submissions.

First Year 1 8-24-15.pdf
In the fall of 2015, IHH made a poster campaign for first-year dorms featuring definitions of consent written in by their peers.

IHH first conducted the "Map Project" in 2013. Students submitted locations on campus where they've experienced sexual assault or harassment, and IHH plotted corresponding red dots onto a map of campus, each one representing a student's submission.

IHH member Emily Pedowitz writes an op-ed encouraging Middlebury students to submit their stories related to sexual assault to be read at the group's storytelling event.

In a podcast-style interview, the Co-Founder of IHH and President of Kappa Delta Rho speak to The Campus about sexual violence at Middlebury.

The second IHH storytelling event occurred in April of 2013. IHH leaders and audience members reflect on its impact.

The first iteration of The Map Project went on display in Davis Library in February of 2013.

Five Middlebury students and two faculty members were invited to represent IHH at a White House event on Teen Dating Violence.
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