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  • Tags: Administration

Boston Magazine- School For Scandal.pdf
This in depth article describes in detail the allegations and testimony of all four students who came forward in the Paul Cubeta hearing with testimony about sexual harassment and assault. It tells the story of their lives, their relationships with…

The Campus - %22Bread Loaf official protests administrative cover-up in sexual harassment case%22.pdf
This opinion piece is written by Robert Pack, a professor at the Bread Loaf School of English, a professor to the young men who came forward in the Cubeta sexual harassment hearing, and a longtime friend of Cubeta himself. In this article, Pack…

March 14 1991 pg. 19- DKE and O'Neil 1.pdf
This is the first op/ed in response to Middlebury's new sexual harassment policy in 1991, which included harassment based on sexuality. This article discusses the merits of intellectual freedom, censorship, and political correctness at Middlebury.…

March 21, 1991, Pg. 21 (Tense PC, DKE Response pt. 2).pdf
This op/ed is a response to the theme of PC in the March 14 1991 edition of The Campus, and more specifically the articles written by Daniel O'Neil, Chad Bryant and Leland Hart. Lang makes it clear that everyone is feeling the "heat" of PC on campus,…
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