Browse Items (36 total)

  • Tags: sexual and relationship respect committee

SRR Fall Survey Poster.pdf
SRR conducted a student survey in fall 2019 to gage student opinions on college recourses, campus culture about consent and assault, and what type of SRR programming students would like to see, among other things. The survey got 106 responses, and…

Orientation Consent Training Pitch.pdf
Elissa Asch '22.5, who directed SRR in the 2019-2020 academic year, wanted to improve orientation programming around consent and sexual assault. Before the fall started, she contacted every NESCAC school to interview administrators and students and…

BILL_ F2019-SB1.pdf
This bill built off of previous SRR initiatives that made all pads and tampons free and distributed menstrual products and condoms in all freshman dorms. This Bill, which was passed by SGA Senate, stated that pads, tampons, lubricant, dental dams,…

Let's talk about sex, please.pdf
In this op/ed, SRR lays out the importance of student input and engagement in issues of sexual and relationship respect on campus, and asks students to fill out the SRR Fall Survey.

SRR Consent Workshop Goals.pdf
In the 2019-2020 academic year, SRR attempted to work with the administration to implement anti-sexual assault consent workshops for current students. This document was made by SRR to express the type of workshops that they wanted, and why the…

SRR SAAM Email and Recourses .pdf
When Middlebury Students were evacuated in March 2020 due to COVID-19, SRR had to change their plan for Sexual Assault Awareness Month (April). They put together an email which included four pdf recourse guides they had designed. The email was sent…
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