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  • Collection: The Sexual and Relationship Respect Committee (SRR)

Thesis - Maddie Orcutt .pdf
Maddie Orcutt's thesis on the possibilities of restorative justice in Middlebury's policy against SMDVS. This thesis was included in Orcutt's 2016 SRR transition document.

Sex In The Dark Poster.pdf
SRR had it's first ever Sex In The Dark event in January of 2020. The event included glow sticks, ring pops, snacks, and most importantly a panel of qualified Sexperts who answered any and all anonymous questions that students submitted online. The…

SRR Answers Blog.png
After the high level of student engagement with their Sex In The Dark event in January, SRR launched a consistent go/link-based anonymous questions and answers initiative. The abbreviated answers from the Sex In The Dark event were posted on the…

SRR Consent Workshop Goals.pdf
In the 2019-2020 academic year, SRR attempted to work with the administration to implement anti-sexual assault consent workshops for current students. This document was made by SRR to express the type of workshops that they wanted, and why the…

SRR Endorsement of SGA Proposals.pdf
In Spring of 2019, the Middlebury SGA sent The Thirteen Proposals to the college administration, demanding changes and improvement in various aspects of student life and representation. This document is a letter written by SRR in endorsement of The…

SRR Fall Survey Poster.pdf
SRR conducted a student survey in fall 2019 to gage student opinions on college recourses, campus culture about consent and assault, and what type of SRR programming students would like to see, among other things. The survey got 106 responses, and…

SRR %22The List%22 Response.pdf
SRR put out this statement after "The List" [a list of abusers and perpetrators at Middlebury which was posted on social media] was posted. It urged people to focus on supporting survivors and direct discussions about The List towards improving…

SRR SAAM Email and Recourses .pdf
When Middlebury Students were evacuated in March 2020 due to COVID-19, SRR had to change their plan for Sexual Assault Awareness Month (April). They put together an email which included four pdf recourse guides they had designed. The email was sent…

Statement about Supporting Survivors.pdf
This document is a statement of support for survivors in response to troubling recent events, written by SRR and sent out by Middlebury SGA. In the statement, SRR calls for the community to wear all black on October 5 in solidarity with survivors of…
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