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Front cover of magazine used to access "He Moves Like Silk, Hits Like a Ton"

Front cover of the magazine used to access "A Rueful Dream Come True"

Front cover of magazine used to access "Still Too Tender to be a Tiger"

The picture to the left of the text depicts a Floyd Patterson with a sheepish smile on his face. Although he has sweat dropping down his forehead and a towel around his shoulders like he just went through a difficult sparring match with his opponent,…

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This is a list of items that a man would require in order to be seen as an “All-Around Man” who could be thought of as a renaissance man. These consumer goods promise a lifestyle and an image of someone who could do it all to any man who bought them.…

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This set of consumer goods, which include a cowhide briefcase for work, a straw hat and portable alarm clock, three different sets of hedge trimmers, a bar master, an outdoor grill and a full set of suits and business clothes are what defines someone…

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This display dictates what consumer goods signify that the man who owns and displays them is a “Inner Man.” The inner man is someone who keeps inside and needs peace and serenity to power their creative process. So in order to be an inner man, you…

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A list of the consumer items that a man must have in order to be thought of as an "Outer Man." This list includes a tackle box for fishing, a tennis racquet, cameras, binoculars, and a set of golf clubs with matching hat and shoes. In total, all of…

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This Father’s Day shopping list details the consumer products that must be bought in order for a man to considered an “Upstairs Man.” This is someone who has enjoys himself at home, who keeps himself immaculately groomed, and always looks his best.…
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