"Taste is the name of the game" Imperil Whiskey Advertisement, Sports Illustrated 1968

Imperial Fishing Ad.jpg

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"Taste is the name of the game" Imperil Whiskey Advertisement, Sports Illustrated 1968


whiskey, fishing, hiram walker, america


The advertisement includes a photo of laughing white women and men drinking, with a large game fish hung up behind them. Presumably, they are enjoying a cocktail after a successful day of sportfishing. The text below asserts, "Taste is the name of the game. That's what Imperial is all about." The whiskey is "a sip smoother than the rest" promising a delicious drink that the viewer can also share with his companions after a day of activity. Besides being racialized for white consumers, the fishing image associates the whiskey specifically with luxury and high-class activities, lending it an air of prestige as a product.


Katherine Brown


Sports Illustrated, July 1, 1968


Time Inc


Katherine Brown, “"Taste is the name of the game" Imperil Whiskey Advertisement, Sports Illustrated 1968,” Magazines, accessed July 16, 2024, https://omeka.middlebury.edu/magazines/items/show/44.

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