The All-Around Man

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Dublin Core


The All-Around Man


Shopping list


This is a list of items that a man would require in order to be seen as an “All-Around Man” who could be thought of as a renaissance man. These consumer goods promise a lifestyle and an image of someone who could do it all to any man who bought them. This list includes a set of knives, a cheese set filled with “Manly Wedges,” a drinks table with sliding tops which reveal a built-in ice rack, drink holders and an assortment of alcohols, nautical items such as a barometer and flags, and a series of linen clothing which included sports jackets with matching ties, slacks and shirts and a matching hat. In total, this showcase costs at least $226.65, which is on the less expensive side for this father’s day issue, but still is a lot of money for 1953


Luke Duffy




July 1953