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A dissertation peering into the transformation of the changing ideas, images and usages of the natural environment in eastern Germany post 1989. Eastern Germany is beginning to experience many western problems associated with the nature-society…

This is the New York Times' review of Barry Commoner's book, declaring it to be "the best book on ecology ever written."

As the bulldozers clearing the way for I-91, Vermont's first interstate highway, reached Ascutney, Romaine Tenney made good on his promise not to see his family's farmland paved over. He burned his house and farm with him inside. The state was…

The Ecology of Freedom Second Edition.jpg
The Ecology of Freedom Second Edition (First Edition Printed 1982)

End of Nature.Graphic.pdf

The Fate of the Earth.jpg

1970-4_30_protests_earthday_front page.jpg
'Black-out' Protests Atom Power Plant Construction in Vernon, VT: The protestors sponsored a candle-light rally in the Johnson Building, the College itself did not officially cooperate and many lights remained on. Some students who did not agree with…



Parini_Greening Humanities_NYT_Oct 1995.pdf


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Members of the Sahara Club use aggressive tactics to battle groups they say have overstated threats to the environment.


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