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Louderback highlights the growing concern over pesticide use in the United States

A student research essay on Middlebury College's history of land policies with regard to the Joseph Battell bequest of land

The Population Bomb was an influential book written by Stanford University Professor Paul R. Ehrlich and his wife, Anne Ehrlich (uncredited), in 1968. Since it's publication and initial popularity, the book has drawn criticism for its alarmist tone,…

A2.3 1995. Pathways to a Green Campus.pdf
A detailed report with multiple recommendations for environmental policies and measures at Middlebury College, compiled by the Environmental Council, chaired by Steven Rockefeller of the Religion Department.

The Environment Council (EC), chaired by Professor of Religion Steven C. Rockefeller, produces a report that may be regarded as the watershed moment in the development of the Middelbury campus as a sustainable one.
The report has co-authored by ten…

Paperbacks_ New and Noteworthy - The New York Times.pdf
Reviews of the new and noteworthy paperback books in April, 1981.

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Middlebury Campus article on the Vermont Bottle Bill discussing the opinions of Senator Arthur Gibb as well as various other local members influenced by the legislation. The bill has reduced road-side litter but has created additional problems for…

Pahl_Midd Mag_ES Major Fall 1994.pdf
A MIddlebury College Magazine article about the ES Program at Middlebury College and its growth and success in the early 1990s.

As concern rises about industries not properly reporting the amount of toxic materials they are producing, Vermont begins the fight for a progressive measure of establishing an ozone-protection law in 1991. But pressure from car dealers complicated…


After second vote on the issue, the proposed facility is approved by 272 votes out of 1759 ballots. The first vote on the issue was too close and required a second vote.
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