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The Campus_1969_10_23 (2).jpg

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This photo from the 1969 Kaleidoscope shows Professor of Biology Howard E. Woodin, aged 45. Professor Woodin joined the Middlebury faculty in 1953 as an instructor in the Biology department and was promoted to full Professor in 1967.


"As part of a general campaign against over-population and pollution, Associate Professor of Biology David Van Vleck is leading an on-campus drive to collect signatures for a petition calling for the legalization of abortion in Vermont."

Page from the 1969 Registrar's Report showing Janet Johns as the lone ES-Geography major

The Campus_1969_05_16.jpg

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"Second Lady of Conservation" Dellorice Olson, treasurer of the Izaak Walton League of America (a powerful conservation organization with over 51,000 members) chooses to continue the League's anti-pollution drive by focusing on the Charles River.…

Environmental Defense Fund asks U.S. District Court to halt spraying of DDT in 56 Michigan cities

The Campus_1969_05_19 (2).jpg

Middlebury students mobilize against the war in Vietnam by demonstrating in Middlebury while other students attend a peaceful march taking place in New York the same weekend. While turn out was high in New York, only twenty-two students made it out…

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'Black-out' Protests Atom Power Plant Construction in Vernon, VT: The protestors sponsored a candle-light rally in the Johnson Building, the College itself did not officially cooperate and many lights remained on. Some students who did not agree with…
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