Browse Items (246 total)

#MiddToo Poster and Statement.pdf
As the global #MeToo movement (started in 2017) continued to grow, SRR created a #MiddToo movement (started in 2018) to recognize the ways in which Middlebury campus culture is complicit in sexual assault and to support survivors. This document…

Midd Too Event Pictures.pdf
SRR started the #MiddToo movement in 2018 to draw attention to the ways in which Middlebury’s campus culture is complicit in sexual assault and to support survivors. This document includes photos from a #MiddToo tabling event in which students were…

Middlebury Newsroom - %22The Vagina Monologues%22.pdf
This Middlebury College Newsroom post explains what "The Vagina Monologues" and V-Day are, and announces the first ever performance of the play at Middlebury College in 1999.

Middlebury Newsroom - %22Lives in the Arts%22.pdf
This Middlebury College Newsroom post lays out the itinerary for "Lives in the Arts," a two day event where alumnae discussed and showcased their careers in the arts. Eve Ensler, writer of "The Vagina Monologues" and 1975 Middlebury graduate, was one…

The Campus - %22Vaginas Rising The Monologues return to raise awareness and spread the love%22.pdf
This Campus Article discusses the 2007 student performance of "The Vagina Monologues" in detail. It discusses the memorable moments from each cast member and monologue throughout the show. Additionally it explains the history of the play at…

The Campus - %22Vagina Monologues Beyond Convention%22.pdf
This Campus article describes the first ever performance of "Beyond the Vagina Monologues," a version of "The Vagina Monologues" that was first adapted at Middlebury by Rebecca Coates-Finke '16.5 in 2016. The article includes a description of all of…

Vagina Monologues Program and Booklet 2016.pdf
This document has the program and booklet covers from the 2016 "Beyond The Vagina Monologues" production.

Description Complicity Project.pdf
This document described SRR's Complicity Project, which was launched in the 2018-2019 school year. This project, a continuation from the previous year's #MiddToo project, focuses on individual and community complicity in a campus culture of sexual…

CP - Quotes.pdf
As part of the Complicity Project SRR ran a four-phase postering campaign in the months leading up to their Davis Library display in April. SRR committee members covered the school in posters that centered around the idea of complicity in sexual…

CP In Davis Library.pdf
This document includes pictures from the Complicity Project Davis Library Display in April (Sexual Assault Awareness Month) of 2019. The SRR Committee compiled survey results, interviews with faculty, staff, and students, and a photo project to…
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