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IHH first conducted the "Map Project" in 2013. Students submitted locations on campus where they've experienced sexual assault or harassment, and IHH plotted corresponding red dots onto a map of campus, each one representing a student's submission.

First Year 1 8-24-15.pdf
In the fall of 2015, IHH made a poster campaign for first-year dorms featuring definitions of consent written in by their peers.

IHH For Print - Submissions 2016 - MO (1).pdf
Various posters advertising IHH storytelling events, meetings, and calling for story submissions.

IHH Jan 2016 Event (1).pdf
Here, find the introductory words for the J-term 2016 IHH event and a featured story.

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After the DU mannequin incident, Alison Fraker and other concerned students wrote a letter to Dean Emerson. The letter urged Dean Emerson to attend a meeting that night to discuss future steps in addressing DU and their actions.

NYT DU Coverage.png
The New York Times covered the DU mannequin incident 2 weeks after it occurred.

NOTE: The link to this article is below

This Addison Independent article describes the mission and events of IHH, and how the Middlebury group gained national traction.

Boston Magazine- School For Scandal.pdf
This in depth article describes in detail the allegations and testimony of all four students who came forward in the Paul Cubeta hearing with testimony about sexual harassment and assault. It tells the story of their lives, their relationships with…

The Campus - October 13, Page 18.pdf
This Campus editorial discusses the troubling nature of the college's reaction to the Paul Cubeta hearing and it's aftermath. The authors, who had covered the Cubeta hearing for the Campus, accuse Middlebury's administration of caring more about it's…

WCAX Coverage.png
Local WCAX news coverage of The List and Middlebury's administrative backlash against Elizabeth Dunn.

NOTE: Link to the news coverage is below.
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