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CP - Quotes.pdf
As part of the Complicity Project SRR ran a four-phase postering campaign in the months leading up to their Davis Library display in April. SRR committee members covered the school in posters that centered around the idea of complicity in sexual…

CP - Tabling Photo Project.pdf
As part of the Complicity Project, SRR did tabling events outside of Middlebury Dining Halls. They gave people information about the Complicity Project, and asked students to finish sentence prompts on handheld whiteboards for a photo project.…

CP Vandalized in Student Center .pdf
After the Complicity Project was displayed in Davis Library in April (Sexual Assault Awareness Month), SRR put up the display once again outside of The Grille in McCullough Student Center. The display went up the afternoon of May 3, 2019. Around…

CP In Davis Library.pdf
This document includes pictures from the Complicity Project Davis Library Display in April (Sexual Assault Awareness Month) of 2019. The SRR Committee compiled survey results, interviews with faculty, staff, and students, and a photo project to…

Community Concern Email.pdf
Shortly after The List was posted, the Vice President for Student Affairs and the Dean of Students wrote to the entire Middlebury College community; the email acknowledged the post, reviewed resources for people experiencing sexual violence, and…

Cece Alter Transcription.pdf
This is the transcription of an interview with Cece Alter ’19.5 (they/them). Cece was an American Studies and Education major. Cece was a Director of SRR (The Sexual and Relationship Respect Committee of the student government) and created the…

This is the audio recording of an interview with Cece Alter ’19.5 (they/them). Cece was an American Studies and Education major. Cece was a Director of SRR (The Sexual and Relationship Respect Committee of the student government) and created the…

Op:Ed - Sexual Harassment is an Issue.pdf
This Middlebury Campus op/ed was in response to an article by James O’Brien which criticized a recent gender violence poster campaign. This article discusses the misguided belief that the Middlebury community is aware of issues of harassment and…

Campus Article - %22Students Celebrate Their Bodies%22.pdf
This Middlebury Campus article covers the 2007 I Love My Body Fashion Show. It discusses how the event was different than those in years past, and describes the student-produced film that played before the fashion show began.

Campus Article - %22Pirate Party Spurs Heated Debate%22.pdf
This Middlebury Campus article covers the controversy of the "Surrender Your Booty!!!" Pirate Dance Party held by Cook Commons. A pirate porn film was played at the party, drawing criticism from FAM and Men Against Violence for encouraging unhealthy…
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