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  • Tags: survey

Let's talk about sex, please.pdf
In this op/ed, SRR lays out the importance of student input and engagement in issues of sexual and relationship respect on campus, and asks students to fill out the SRR Fall Survey.

SRR Fall Survey Poster.pdf
SRR conducted a student survey in fall 2019 to gage student opinions on college recourses, campus culture about consent and assault, and what type of SRR programming students would like to see, among other things. The survey got 106 responses, and…

Complicity Project Display -  Posters.pdf
This document includes all of the Complicity Project Display posters (the front of the Davis Library display). These posters include information about the Complicity Project, interviews with faculty and staff, student survey responses, and…

CP In Davis Library.pdf
This document includes pictures from the Complicity Project Davis Library Display in April (Sexual Assault Awareness Month) of 2019. The SRR Committee compiled survey results, interviews with faculty, staff, and students, and a photo project to…

2020 SRR Transition Document .pdf
This is the 2020 SRR transition document written by Elissa Asch and Arielle Landau to their successors. This document includes SRR's projects, responsibilities, and accomplishments for the 2019-2020 school year, as well as advice for future…

(2000) Sexual Assault Report to the Trustees .pdf
One of the things discussed in the Task Force on The Status of Women reports is the Title IX process and the college's response to reports of sexual assault. One concern is that students will not report their assaults or seek help due to the negative…
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