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Pursuit of repopulating the Adirondacks with wolves.

This article reports on Odom Fanning's recent talk at Middlebury about environmental careers. Fanning worked for the Federal Energy Administration and wrote two books about environmental careers. He discussed the new demand for environmental…

The newspaper column outlines what the club "Environmental Quality" did in the 1971-1972 school year on campus, and what it hopes to accomplish in the 1972-1973 year.

This article describes the Winter Term class taught by John Elder and Reuben Rainey titled "Environmental Ethics." The class explored the question "explored question “What principles of conduct should guide mankind when he interacts with nature?"

This announces that the Environmental Intern Program at the Massachusetts Audubon Society is looking for interns for the summer of 1975. They have positions in engineering, physical science, education, and the liberal arts.

The article describes a talk by Ian McHarg that the club Environmental Quality sponsored. McHarg wrote the book "Design with Nature" that criticizes urban development and identifies six threats to the environment.

The column highlights the club Environmental Quality's goals for the upcoming semester. They have broad objectives to change things both on campus and in the larger Vermont community.

The article describes the 1971 Environmental Conference that was held on campus at which Governor Deane C. Davis gave the opening address. Twenty anti-war protesters came to voice their concerns about the United States' actions in Vietnam. Davis…

This column reports on the fact that Vermont passed a bottle bill that outlaws throwing away soda and beer bottles and a nuclear power bill that requires legislative approval for any new nuclear facilities in the state.

This is a photo of the Earth taken from Apollo 17 when it was 45,000 km away from the Earth.
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