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Multiple articles discussing acid rain

The establishment of ASLE is emblematic of the trend in the years in which it was founded: the growing relevance of ES to a number of pre-existing academic fields.

The Campus_1969_02_20.jpg


Parent of a Middlebury Student and Atomic Energy Commission staffer writes in to Campus Editors dispelling rumors and offers "factual information" regarding nuclear power.

Bill McKibben gave a talk at the Middlebury Congregational Church comparing current environmental events to Biblical occurrences, arguing that humans have caused a "decreation" of God's work. He explained some of the science of environmental crisis…

Babcock_HIST 222_Paper #3_edited.pdf
A student paper comparing student advocacy for vegetarian food in the dining halls in the 1970s with more recent 21st century reform efforts including EatRal and the Middlebury College Organic Garden

Acid Rain_ENVS_Camp_1988_04_29_p14_Abbasi001.jpg
In light of talks about acid rain, the U.S. struggles to reach an agreement to sign a cross-boundary pollution agreement that would restrict the nitrogen oxide pollution that travels into Canada.

Bashor_HIST 222_Paper 3.pdf
Student research paper on aesthetics, littering, and graffiti in environmental thought and at Middlebury College

1998_11_5_Vol97_No7_p6_Battell development.JPG
A student article expressing opinions about college's management of forest land left by Joseph Battell in his will.

A Boston Globe article about Amory Lovins.
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