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Earth First!.pdf

Earth First! A Voice Vying for the wilderness Sep 5 1985 Los Angeles Times (same thing maybe) .pdf

Project Showcase Ironbound Environmental Justice History and Resource Center 1984 Ironbound residents Ferry St. Junr 1 Photo Cred Ironbound Community Corporation.jpg

Love Canal and Lois Gibbs 35 Years Later "Young residents in Love Canal joined the protest" date unknown.jpg
"Young residents in Love Canal joined the protest"

Deep Ecology 1985.jpg

David Attenburough The Living Planet Book Bestseller NYT Nonfiction 1985.jpg

Richard Wolfson beings teaching at Middlebury in 1976. Wolfson has been active in acknowledging the importance of the environment and currently teaches a class called Science of Climate Change.

Meeting minutes.pdf

Bhopal Gas Tragedy in pics - Indiatoday - [].jpg

Bhopal gas tragedy in pics - India Today [].jpg
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