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WAP Times Beach_1983_1_6_pA1_Tainted Town.pdf
An article about concerns regarding widespread dioxin contamination in Times Beach, MO after a major flood.

WAP_1982_10_11_pA1_Russakoff_PCB Protest.pdf
An article on a new protest movement emerging, with direct ties to Civil Rights movement but with new enemy: PCB waste site proposed for rural Warren County, NY.

A photograph showing civil rights leader Floyd McKissick being carried away and arrested by police officers during a demonstration in protest of EPA siting of a PCB disposal site in Warren County, N Y.

NYT Logging and Env November 1995_full page.pdf
An editorial in the Washington Post by Jessica Mathews of the Council on Foreign Relations involving the environmental politics of the salvage logging bill and other anti-environmental campaigns from the Republican party.

Black History Month - [].jpg

warrencounty 1982 [].jpg

MC_1995_10_18_p 6_Ridgeline_editorial board.JPG
A campus editorial supporting construction of dorms in Ridgeline Woods as part of overall campus expansion starting in 1995.

A Middlebury Campus article about Weybridge House, a Middlebury college residential interest house

This article describes how the United States banned whaling in 1971, but activists want a worldwide ban on the industry because it is both ecologically harmful to the oceans and cruel.

This is a book review of Farley Mowat's book "A Whale for the Killing," and it lauds Mowat for the book's "outstanding contributions to the conservation battle" and ability to convey scientific information about whales in a way for laypeople to…
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