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Vegetarian Food_Midd_Oct_Nov 1980.pdf
Two articles in the Middlebury Campus from Fall 1980 about food, both vegetarian and organic food, both at the college and at the local cooperative store.

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Consideration of a hydropower deal underway in Vermont.


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The Campus_1970_04_16.jpg

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LAT Mar 4_1966 Viet War May Delay Conservation.pdf
Secretary of Interior Stewart L. Udall says some of the Johnson administration's conservation goals "may have to await the outcome of the conflict in Vietnam." Billions of dollars would be needed to combat pollution, but the government will not haveā€¦

Vietnam Defoliation Scars.pdf
A National Academy of Sciences report describes the massive ecological and human destruction from defoliation in Vietnam, leading to a ban on Agent Orange.

VT Yankee_1981_1_29_pp6_7.jpg
A long investigative article about Vermont Nuclear Power Plant in Vernon, VT

WAP 1989_4_24_pA3_Exxon Valdez.pdf
An article describing the local reactions of anger and dismay in the Alaskan communities affected the the Exxon Valdez oil spill
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