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Consideration of a hydropower deal underway in Vermont.


Vegetarian Food_Midd_Oct_Nov 1980.pdf
Two articles in the Middlebury Campus from Fall 1980 about food, both vegetarian and organic food, both at the college and at the local cooperative store.

Keith Akers discusses vegetarianism from a nutritional, ethical, and ecological standpoint.

Two oil tankers collided in San Francisco Bay, releasing over 1 million gallons of oil into the water. Hundreds of oil-coated birds were found and sent to stations to be cleaned.

Valdez based seafood processors picket Exxon's Headquarters, protesting shortage of work, July 24, 1989.jpg (ADDED.jpg
Images of oil-slicked wildlife elicited strong emotions during the Exxon Valdez disaster. In comparison, the people who bore the catastrophe's widespread economic costs received sparse coverage. Here, a man protests the lack of work brought about by…

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In the midst of the sustainable agricultural movement that has been sweeping the US, the USDA announced that they would give money to farmers, certified organic or in the process of certification, to help initiate conservation practices on the…

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RCRA gave the EPA power to control the generation, transport, treatment, storage and disposal of hazardous waste and set a framework for the management of non-hazardous solid waste.

US holdout at Stockholm for FYG.pdf
As the first UN Conference on the Human Environment draws to a close, the US is criticized for its ecological destruction in Vietnam and its opposition to financial measures intended to aid developing nations that have been financially affected by…

LC 1 Aug 1978.pdf
An August 1978 article in the New York Times reporting on threats of toxic contamination in Love Canal, NY
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