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Many important books were published during this period, in particular Rachel Carson's Silent Spring in 1962, which many historians credit with initiating the environmental movement in the United States, but also Stewart Udell's Quiet Crisis. In…

As the bulldozers clearing the way for I-91, Vermont's first interstate highway, reached Ascutney, Romaine Tenney made good on his promise not to see his family's farmland paved over. He burned his house and farm with him inside. The state was…

Middlebury students were primarily concerned with issues of nuclear disarmament and the accompanying Cuban Missile Crisis, but also with individual impacts on the local environment. Disarmament sparked a shift in the minds of students towards a more…

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Excerpt from the 1981 Middlebury Meeting about revitalizing the Environmental Studies Program

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The newly approved Environmental Studies program first appears the 1965-1966 Middlebury course catalog, made available to students in the fall of 1965.

In the late 1970's it was revealed that Hooker Chemical Company had been using Love Canal in Niagara Falls, NY to bury 22,000 tons of toxic waste. The site was sold by Hooker for residential construction, but after a while, heavy rains released the…

Jimmy Carter- Crisis of Confidence.mp4
Jimmy Carter addresses the energy problem in his annual address to the American people.

Q&A David Attenburough Chicago Tribune Mar 31 1985.pdf
David Attenburough weighs in on Animals, Life, and the fate of the Planet

January 19 1981 pg 14 Middlebury Campus against racial violence in urban centers.jpg
Middlebury Students Against Race Violence and Discrimination
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