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Earth First's attack on environmental harm

This is the cover of the special edition of "The Ecologist" in which "A Blueprint for Survival" was published. The book argued that society needed to drastically change in order to preserve the Earth.

British scientists and philosophers wrote this article to explain how the current industrial way of life is not sustainable. Humans are using too many resources and polluting too much, but soon there will not be enough resources or space to support…

Two years after the Oil Embargo of 1973, there are still fears that another oil crisis could occur due to the United States' dependence on oil imports and not enough domestic sources of energy.

LC 3 Aug 1978.pdf
A New York Times editorial on the Love Canal Crisis.

Kenny Alboum talks about ecology and toxic wastes.

1989 April 3 NY Times Oil p 1.pdf
April 4, 1989 articles reporting on the effects and cleanup and rescue efforts following the Exxon Valdez oil spill.

After three years of debate, William Ruckelhaus, head of the Environmental Protection Agency, banned the use of DDT on June 14, 1972, with the ruling to go in to effect on December 31, 1972. Ruckelhaus said that DDT had sever health risks to both…

Hansen testimony.cover page.pdf
NASA scientist James Hansen's 1988 testimony to Congress carried grave warnings about the state of the planet in the future. Hansen cited numerous climate statistics and projections in his defense. Perhaps the most urgent indication of global warming…

LC 1 Aug 1978.pdf
An August 1978 article in the New York Times reporting on threats of toxic contamination in Love Canal, NY
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