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April 26, 1962 %22Communist Revival Aimed at Colleges%22.pdf
A warning against the increased presence of Communist influence on college campuses in the United States during the 1960s.

Midd Energy Conf _MC_3_25_76_p18.jpg
Several pages of coverage of EQ's Energy Conference in March 1976, including an article about Dennis Hayes', the founder of the original Earth Day, talk at the Conference.



This is the New York Times' review of Barry Commoner's book, declaring it to be "the best book on ecology ever written."

out (5).pdf
Members of the Sahara Club use aggressive tactics to battle groups they say have overstated threats to the environment.


The Middlebury Campus reflects on the recent Environmental Fair and how it raised awareness of the environmental programs at Middlebury.

An in-depth look at the polluting of Otter Creek done by local industry.

An in-depth look at the polluting of Otter Creek done by local industry.

An in-depth look at the polluting of Otter Creek done by local industry.

Lack of commitment and incorrect use of the recycling bins on campus undermined the recycling program's effectiveness and goals toward waste reduction.
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