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Prompted by a greater public concern for the environment, in addition to influential novels such as Rachel Carson's Silent Spring and Stewart Udall's Quiet Crisis, the federal government signs several significant acts towards the conservation of…

Many important books were published during this period, in particular Rachel Carson's Silent Spring in 1962, which many historians credit with initiating the environmental movement in the United States, but also Stewart Udell's Quiet Crisis. In…

As the bulldozers clearing the way for I-91, Vermont's first interstate highway, reached Ascutney, Romaine Tenney made good on his promise not to see his family's farmland paved over. He burned his house and farm with him inside. The state was…

Middlebury students were primarily concerned with issues of nuclear disarmament and the accompanying Cuban Missile Crisis, but also with individual impacts on the local environment. Disarmament sparked a shift in the minds of students towards a more…

The "Vegetarian Alternatives" Group circulated a petition to have the school start to serve vegetarian meals in order to "make students aware of the dangers and excesses of the ‘American meat mentality.’"

Student Terry Bouricius presented a resolution at the Student Forum on January 12, 1975 that proposed the school should offer a vegetarian dish in addition to a meat dish at all meals. He thought this would help students become more aware of the…

Middlebury hosted a "Conference on the World Food Crisis," at which William Coffin addressed problems regarding food distribution around the globe.

In light of the 2008 financial crisis, many Americans became disillusioned with Obama's economic and energy policies. By depicting alternative energy as an insufficient and futile source of energy, the artist mocks Obama's commitment to green jobs…


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A 1971 article in the campus discussing the importance of the Vermont Environmental Center in Ripton, VT in promoting concern of the environmental quality of the region. The center is staffed by three full-time professors who taught a course in…
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