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The United States military used the defoliant known as Agent Orange to destroy large swathes of Vietnam's jungle, depriving the Vietcong of cover, but both fighters and non-combatants of food. The chemical caused chronic illnesses for both the…

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Environmental concerns becoming a relative theme in this era

excerpt from "Population, Resources, Environment" by Anne and Paul Ehrlich, Professor Van Vleck discusses Population Control, food production, power production, and reproduction in his review of Paul and Anne Ehrlich's 1970 book "Population,…

LC 5 Dec 1978.pdf
A NY Times article on industrial waste

Hardin achieved a major impact within the economic, science and environmental communities with his essay "The Tragedy of the Commons," delivered to the Pacific Division of the American Association for the if there was a common field for people to…

An article in the Middlebury Campus regarding the college's plan to eliminate the Geography Department and major at the college.

A student newspaper article on the environmental problems related to Styrofoam cups and other plastic goods

Gladwin Hill_College Students Confront Reagan on Env.pdf
To NYT articles about college student concerns regarding pollution and ecology, reported mostly from California, but also around the nation.

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Although the Yellowstone fires devastated the park ecosystem, the drastic disturbance was actually beneficial in other ways. The fire thinned the canopy and thereby allowed light to reach shrubs, saplings, and grasses. Furthermore, ash enriched the…

A competition was held by the Environmental Council to educate the college community and conserve energy.
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