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The newspaper column outlines what the club "Environmental Quality" did in the 1971-1972 school year on campus, and what it hopes to accomplish in the 1972-1973 year.

out (1).pdf
Environmental concerns becoming a relative theme in this era

1989 April 1 NYT_p1.pdf
Articles reporting on the Exxon Valdez oil spill.

NYT 1990_4_28_p8_Egan Jobs_Owls.pdf
A New York Times article looking at logging communities in the Pacific Northwest and the concerns about the effects of federal protections for spotted owl populations.



CSM_1990_11_20_p18_Imperial E-ism.pdf
A newspaper article from November 1990 by a scholar of Africa questioning US conservation and population policies as a form of imperialism.

Louderback highlights the growing concern over pesticide use in the United States

A positive review of "Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee" that explores its themes of subjugation and senseless environmental policy.

This is a book review of Dee Brown's "Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee: An Indian History of the American West." It describes how white government officials abused Native Americans' rights, in large part because the Native Americans believed land could…

Parent of a Middlebury Student and Atomic Energy Commission staffer writes in to Campus Editors dispelling rumors and offers "factual information" regarding nuclear power.
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