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Hill_Hist 222_Paper 3.pdf
a student paper on the early ES program at Middlebury based on oral interviews with two graduates of the Class of 1970

Hist 222 Syllabus_Fall 1997_Morse.pdf
A course syllabus for a course in U.S. environmental history

History 222_S15_Syllabus_Full Revision.pdf
A course syllabus for HIST 222 at Middlebury College, Intro to Environmental History Spring 2015

Bioregional Table.pdf
Selected text and a table that appear in Kirkpatrick Sale's "Dwellers in the Land: The Bioregional Vision," a treatise on the bioregionalism subject. Although Peter Berg coined the term, Sale served as one of bioregionalism's leading theorists. In…

Food Waste_ENVS_Camp_1983_11_11_pg05_Durning001.jpg
This article appears in the Middlebury Campus in November 1983 and details the goal of the Student Forum Food Committee: to make students aware of the amount of food they are wasting. The committee, which consists of both students and dining hall…

Article on senior Michael MacCracken's talk for the United States Global Change Research Program

Earth First_ENVS_Camp_1988_04_04_pg17_Abbasi002.jpg
A Middlebury Campus editorial reporting on Dave Foreman's speech at Middlebury in January 1988 and his call to action on environmental issues, and a student editorial on the problems of trash on the floor of the campus mail room

LAT 1984_12_3_pA1.pdf
Two front page articles from the LA Times reporting the initial disaster as gas leaked from Union Carbide's Bhopal India plant.

THINK GLOBAL, ACT LOCAL - The New York Times.pdf
Book review of "The Politics of the Solar Age," by Hazel Henderson.

Bashor_HIST 222_Paper 3.pdf
Student research paper on aesthetics, littering, and graffiti in environmental thought and at Middlebury College
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