Browse Items (552 total)

In 1991, Middlebury established a new branch of the Bread Loaf School of English in Santa Fe. John Elder, a join English and environmental professor at Middlebury, was named on-site director the Santa Fe School. The Santa Fe school embodied the…


This is a movie review of "Soylent Green" that is a "suspenseful futuristic drama set in New York in the year 2022..concerned with man’s destruction of his own environment through overpopulation and lack of concern for ecology." The movie aims to…

An annual report of the Environmental Studies program at Middlebury College during the 1995-1996 academic year.


CoE final report_4_26_1995.pdf
The Committee on the Environment gives President McCardell a total of 42 recommendations that fall into one of four broad areas: i)how to improve the ES program, ii)how the ES program become more relevant across the curriculum, iii)how the campus may…


Clinton advises his administration to clear the bias that place environmental harm on poor and member of minorities.


Middlebury College commits to becoming carbon neutral by 2016 | Middlebury.pdf
A press release from Middlebury College announcing the commitment to carbon neutrality made by the college's board of trustees May 7, 2007.

The official logo of EDF, the Environmental Defense Fund

Greenpeace, Earth First! and the Earth Liberation Front: The Progression of the Radical Environment Movement in America

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