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Correspondence 22.09.1986_recreate tracks.pdf
Correspondence between Stephen C. Trombulak and David K. Smith; and Stephen C. Trombulak and Ray Coish. The letters discuss the recreation of tracks; requirement of a thesis; and course changes.

Environmental Defense Fund wins battle to halt spraying of harmful pesticides in Michigan

Jimmy Carter- Crisis of Confidence.mp4
Jimmy Carter addresses the energy problem in his annual address to the American people.

In light of the 2008 financial crisis, many Americans became disillusioned with Obama's economic and energy policies. By depicting alternative energy as an insufficient and futile source of energy, the artist mocks Obama's commitment to green jobs…

CSM_1990_4_3_p7_Coal and Jobs.pdf
An article in the Christian Science Monitor regarding possible job loss in the face of regulations (1990 Clean Air Act Amendments) of coal-fired plants to reduce threats and effects of Acid Rain.

CSM 1980_11_4_Haz Waste.pdf
An indepth article from November 1980 looking at challenges regarding protecting environments and humans from hazardous waste.

CSM_1990_11_20_p18_Imperial E-ism.pdf
A newspaper article from November 1990 by a scholar of Africa questioning US conservation and population policies as a form of imperialism.

Curriculum Committee approved new course entitled "Current American Problems" that called for interdisciplinary, primarily student-taught analysis of selected social problems in contemporary America.Course called for the student teachers to be…

While working to strengthen the Environmental Studies program at Middlebury, Elder seeks ways to blend the sciences with the humanities


An article that places emphasis on the parallelism of nature and feminism in the light of the environmental movement.


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