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1990 04 20 Campus recycling efforts undermined.pdf
Middlebury's recycling program was criticized for being ineffective.

Midd's recycling program


Carbon Neutral, or Carbon-Lite? | The Middlebury Campus.pdf
Middlebury Campus article from October 16, 2013, written by Claire Abbadi. Article questions the feasibility of true carbon neutrality by the year 2016.

Carol Harden 1970 Yearbook.jpg
Page from Middlebury's 1970 yearbook showing graduating ES-Biology major Carol Harden.

Discussion of the earth's carrying capacity and the ecological economics.


Book Cover

Correspondence 1987_curriculum committee approved changes.pdf
A letter from Stephen C. Trombulak to the Environmental Studies faculty and students outlining courses changes and the addition of Literature and Writing focus to the Social Science/Humanities track.

Cheung_HIST222_Paper #3.pdf
A student research paper on the history of conservation biology as a field of inquiry and on its place in the curriclum at Middlebury College, 1990s-present

CT_ 1983_5_1_p12 Love Canal Fears.pdf
An article by Terry Atlas in the Chicago Tribute noting anecdotal evidence of improved health in children relocated from Love Canal; a NYT article on actions undertaken at LCanal
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