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This article ran on the front page of The Campus on Thursday, May 27, 1965. It announced the new interdisciplinary Environmental Studies major, and laid out the three possible focuses of study in it: Earth Science, Ecology, and Human Ecology.

April 26, 1962 %22Communist Revival Aimed at Colleges%22.pdf
A warning against the increased presence of Communist influence on college campuses in the United States during the 1960s.

February 22, 1962 Discussion on Disarmament.pdf
A Middlebury Campus articling detailing the First Inter-Collegiate Conference on "Disarmament and Arms Control" at Swarthmore College, PA, which several Middlebury students attended.

March 9, 1961.pdf
Middlebury Campus article detailing speakers for the 1961 Middlebury Conference. The general conference topic was "Mass Media: Role and Responsibility," and specific arguments were made regarding how "[t]he power to mold the future of the Republic…

January 12, 1962, Unilateral Disarmarment.pdf
An argument written by Associate Professor of Geography J. Rowland Illick advocating for unilateral disarmament as a first step towards world peace.

March 8, 1962 Student Debate on Disarerment .pdf
Middlebury Campus article detailing a student debate between The Committee for a Sane Nuclear Policy and the Committee for a Realistic Nuclear Policy concerning nuclear disarmament.

Campus Coverage_1981_4_24_Vol75_20_p5.jpg
An opinion piece in the Middlebury Campus regarding the paper's failure to cover a recent energy conference (March 1981) on campus.

Two editorials lamenting student driving habits and connections to climate change and other threats

1996_2_28_Vol94No17_p3_Green ticket rewards.JPG
An article on a green ticket award program to spur Middlebury students to conserve resources in exchange for chances to win donated prizes

In 1991, Middlebury established a new branch of the Bread Loaf School of English in Santa Fe. John Elder, a join English and environmental professor at Middlebury, was named on-site director the Santa Fe School. The Santa Fe school embodied the…


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