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Middlebury hosted a "Conference on the World Food Crisis," at which William Coffin addressed problems regarding food distribution around the globe.

Cook_HIST 222_Paper 3.pdf
Student research paper on student environmental groups at Middlebury College from 1970 through the mid-1990s

EL 113 Visions_Byerly_1994.pdf
A course syllabus from Fall 1994.

A student essay on changing gender roles in American agriculture with emphasis on recent shifts in and around Vermont

Daniel, a farm partner at Elixir Farm in Brixey, MO, at the Clayton Farmer's Market in September 2013 selling the farm's produce. He traveled four hours from the farm to provide sustainably-harvested organic leeks, mushrooms, tomatoes, garlic, paw…

Two editorials lamenting student driving habits and connections to climate change and other threats

Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Map.jpg
Beginning on March 27, a windstorm accelerated the spill's spread and rendered cleanup especially challenging. The inclement weather would become the norm for the next several months. Consequently, watercraft could not skim the spill, in-situ burning…

A student editorial on environmental challenges and what students can do to take action.

The article describes the 1971 Environmental Conference that was held on campus at which Governor Deane C. Davis gave the opening address. Twenty anti-war protesters came to voice their concerns about the United States' actions in Vietnam. Davis…

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Claire Ayer returns to school, and while balancing being a student and a mother, she also refuses to let the ailing environment become a problem on campus
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