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Recycling at Middlebury.jpg

NYT 1990_4_28_p8_Egan Jobs_Owls.pdf
A New York Times article looking at logging communities in the Pacific Northwest and the concerns about the effects of federal protections for spotted owl populations.

A profile of author and journalist Bill McKibben.

Yellowstone Fires 7.NPS.jpg


Debates over Energy
Middleubry Campus articles regarding energy use, the Energy Council, and the plan to close the dorms over Spring Break in March 1981 to save energy. Includes many letters to the editor on this issue

Electoral College.png
Ronald Reagan swept the 1980 presidential election, garnering 489 out of a total of 538 electoral college votes. His main opponent, the incumbent Jimmy Carter, was accused of hurting American economic interests while carrying a weak foreign policy

Energy Crisis 3.jpg
Hundreds of cars line up for gas amidst growing fears of energy shortage and national insecurity in 1979

1,200 delegates from 100 countries attended the UN Stockholm Conference on the Human Environment to create a body within the UN to deal with international environmental affairs, create a "declaration of principles" to acknowledge that all countries…

The "Vegetarian Alternatives" Group circulated a petition to have the school start to serve vegetarian meals in order to "make students aware of the dangers and excesses of the ‘American meat mentality.’"
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