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This is a book review of two environmental poetry books, "Turtle Island" by Gary Snyder and "New Poems" by Kenneth Rexoth. The poems personify nature as a gentle mother who must be used wisely and not abused.

This is the cover of the special edition of "The Ecologist" in which "A Blueprint for Survival" was published. The book argued that society needed to drastically change in order to preserve the Earth.

British scientists and philosophers wrote this article to explain how the current industrial way of life is not sustainable. Humans are using too many resources and polluting too much, but soon there will not be enough resources or space to support…

This is a book review of a number of books evaluating population growth, but focuses particularly on "The Limits to Growth: A Report for the Club of Rome's Project on the Predicament of Mankind" by Donella H. Meadows, Dennis L. Meadows, Jorgen…

This article describes how the United States banned whaling in 1971, but activists want a worldwide ban on the industry because it is both ecologically harmful to the oceans and cruel.

This is a book review of Dee Brown's "Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee: An Indian History of the American West." It describes how white government officials abused Native Americans' rights, in large part because the Native Americans believed land could…

This article reviews five different books about environmental economics that look at how the drive to produce more economically has ecological consequences by creating pollution.

This is the New York Times' review of Barry Commoner's book, declaring it to be "the best book on ecology ever written."

This is a letter to the editor by Paul Ehrlich, published in the New York Times, in response to Barry Commoner's book "The Closing Circle: Nature, Man, and Technology." The newspaper also publishes Commoner's response to Ehrlich.



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